Why did I choose my career?

Hello friends, 

today I will tell you how I decided to study my career.
the first career I wanted to study was architecture, I used to look at the structure of all the houses and churches, my love for architecture lasted from 12 to 14 years old or so, I did not like the humanistic thing so much but all I knew was that Mathematics was not my thing.
Mathematics was my worst enemy, my father helped me but they could not get into my head. When I entered middle school (14 years), the tests became more difficult and I studied a lot and I kept going badly, until at the end of the year, I tried so hard that I was the best qualification in an important test, and from that moment everything changed, I started to like mathematics.
In the third degree of high school I had to choose my elective and decided to bet on mathematics. from that moment I began to draw attention to engineering such as commercial and civil engineering. That same year I took a vocational program and decided on commercial engineering.
When I finished school and gave the PSU, I always had the first commercial engineering option at the USACH. days before they delivered the results I started to research more engineering and found the engineering in food and caught my attention so much that in minutes I preferred it more than the commercial one.
when I saw the results of the PSU I was missing 5 points for commercial engineering but I still decided to put it in first option and second the career in which I study, I decided that in which I would be enrolled, so I stayed in food engineering at the University of Chile.
So far I have liked the career, if it is to say something bad, I think that the schedules are very badly organized and that causes a lot of confusion, but in general everything is wonderful.
In the future I would like to form a healthy food company.
See you in the next blog.

Image result for alimentos


  1. Something similar happened to me with the PSU! I also hope that the schedules improve

  2. You and maths have a great story with a happy end.

  3. I also thought about studying commercial engineering

  4. You are very good at math! I know :3

  5. i´m glad are you happy in your current program. Maybe destiny put you in this faculty for some reason.


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