
Showing posts from November, 2020

Post 5

 My future job I'm not really sure about the job I would like to have in the future, but one of the jobs that catch my attention are: Direction and control of processes in food production, Regulatory Affairs, in charge of conservation techniques, packaging, storage and transportation of food. Even food creation catches my attention, I don't want to work in a lab all the time. I would love to travel, it is one of my greatest goals. Regarding salary, I do not have a very high expectation at the beginning, I am aware that it will not be a great salary when I start working, but as I gain experiences, I hope earn more. I still do not know if I will do a specialty, but I intend to lean towards the relationship of food with business. It would be great to be able to have my company after having gained experience in other jobs. The truth is that I don't usually think much about my future, that is why this topic does not complicate me at this moment. I think that I have to finish my

Post 4

 My little friend Jack. On September 18, 2019 I adopted my puppy, when he was barely 1 month and 7 days old. Although when I was a child I had 2 dogs I never developed a love for animals, but everything changed when baby Jack appeared, my life and my family life changed completely. We have had incredible moments and very sad moments. When little Jack was one year old, we celebrated his birthday, we made him a cake and he ate like king, it was a beautiful day. the bad thing happened the next day when Jack went out to play with my neighbor's dog. They always ran through the passage like crazy and while they ran the little dog broke a nail and stopped, Jack came behind and collided with the little dog, my little Jack flew towards a fence and started screaming like we had never heard him before. We rushed him to a veterinary clinic and it turns out that his femur was fractured. In total they operated on it 4 times, since the operations did not go well. We were very sad, since he suffer

Post 3

 I'm studying food engineering since 2018 and I really liked the degree, I feel that it is entertaining, very interesting and important in people's life. From what I have heard, this career is not very well known, food engineers are often confused with being a chef or a nutritionist and not with food processing or the chemical part of food. A food engineer can serve as a Production or Development Engineer, Quality Assurance Manager, Production and Operations Manager in different industries. I'm still not sure in which field I want to work, but I'm sure that when I advance I will know it well. I mainly chose to study food engineering because food is a fundamental part for a healthy life and is not well in the whole world, since famine and overweight are present in a large part of the population, both have to do with the distribution of food around the world. After 3 years studying I realize that this goes much further, without food there is no life. That is why I could s